Post-Pandemic Era: The Current State of U.S. E-Commerce
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted people’s lives, causing major shifts in previously familiar lifestyles. While many industries have suffered severe setbacks, e-commerce has been one of the few to thrive. In this edition of “Atlas Perspectives,” we examine the U.S. market and global e-commerce leader Amazon, analyzing the state of U.S. e-commerce before and after the pandemic. We aim to offer brands innovative strategic insights for navigating the post-pandemic era.
1. U.S. E-Commerce Industry Overview: Accelerated Online Growth
The overall U.S. e-commerce market saw substantial growth during the pandemic. In the first half of 2020, revenue reached $347.26 billion, a 30.1% increase compared to the same period in 2019—far exceeding the previous year’s growth rate of 12.7%. Online e-commerce sales accounted for 18.6% of total retail sales in the first two quarters of 2020.
In Q2 2020, U.S. retailers spent $200.72 billion on e-commerce infrastructure, such as website maintenance and order processing—a 44.4% increase compared to Q2 2019. During this period (April to June), one out of every five dollars in retail spending came from online orders. E-commerce penetration reached 20.8%, up from 14.7% in Q2 2019 and 16.2% in Q1 2020.
2. Curbside Pickup: A Rising Service Model
Curbside pickup—where businesses deliver products directly to customers’ cars—has seen a dramatic rise during the pandemic. By August 2020, 43.7% of Fortune 500 retailers offered curbside pickup, a significant increase from 6.9% at the end of 2019.
Major retailers that had already implemented curbside pickup, such as Target Corp. and Home Depot Inc., reported significant revenue growth in Q2 2020.
- Target Corp. (ranked 12th in the Fortune 500) saw online curbside orders grow 734% year-over-year by August 1.
- Home Depot Inc. (ranked 5th) reported triple-digit growth in curbside deliveries by August 2.
3. Amazon: Strengthening Its Position as an E-Commerce Giant
According to Digital Commerce 360’s analysis of traffic data from measurement firm SameWeb, U.S. Amazon site traffic increased by 28.1% in July 2020 compared to February 2020 and grew 8.7% year-over-year. This was notable despite Amazon delaying its annual Prime Day sale to the fall of 2020.
The top five product categories driving Amazon’s e-commerce growth were:
- Food & Groceries
- Electronics
- Household Goods
- Toys & Games
- Gardening Supplies
These categories reflect the pandemic’s significant influence on consumer habits. Notably, apparel, which traditionally dominates e-commerce rankings, was absent from the list as consumers redirected spending toward essentials. The rise of gardening supplies reflects a new pandemic-driven hobby, as lockdowns encouraged people to spend time cultivating their gardens—especially common in households with lawns or small outdoor spaces.
When comparing monthly traffic with both February 2020 and the same months in 2019, the data reveals a clear transformation in U.S. consumer behavior. Even as restrictions eased, the percentage of consumers shopping online continued to grow, highlighting the pandemic’s irreversible impact on purchasing habits.
The U.S. e-commerce industry has experienced significant growth in revenue, sales volume, and website traffic due to the pandemic. This demonstrates how COVID-19 has fundamentally changed consumer behavior, accelerating the shift toward online sales. As brands adapt to this new reality, the e-commerce market is poised for further transformation. The future holds exciting changes—let’s wait and see how it unfolds.
1. 美國電商產業概況:網購加速成長
2. 路邊提貨(Curbside pickup):異軍突起的服務模式
Curbside pickup指的是業者將商品送到顧客車上的服務,若要用一個台灣在地的服務模式做比喻的話,開車去買檳榔就像是用路邊提貨的概念進行銷售。在疫情爆發之後,由Fortune雜誌評選出的全美500強公司(Fortune 500)中的零售商截至8月時提供此項服務的比例為43.7%,相較於2019年年尾的6.9%有非常大的成長幅度。更重要的是,那些在疫情之前就提供這項服務的大型零售商,像是Target Corp. (備註一)以及Home Depot Inc. (備註二),都在2020第二季的營收有很大的成長。前500大企業之一的Target Corp.(第12名)表示,截至8月1日的第二季度,路邊提貨的網絡訂單量增長了734%。同樣地,Home Depot Inc.(第5名)表示,截至8月2日為止,在第二季度的路邊交付量增長了三位數(%)。
3. 美國Amazon:如虎添翼的電商龍頭
根據Digital Commerce 360對網絡測量公司SameWeb的流量數據分析指出,今年7月,也就是美國多數城市解除封城的當月,美國龍頭電商Amazon的網站流量比2020年2月增加了28.1%,和去年同期相比增長了8.7%。值得一提的是,儘管亞馬遜將其於2019年7月舉行的年度黃金日銷售活動推遲到2020年秋季,但流量仍同比增長。而電商上銷售成長率的前五名品項分別為美食類、家電類、家用品類、玩具遊戲類以及園藝類(圖一)。從這五個品項中可以發現封城對消費者的消費習慣產生了巨大的影響。舉例來說,觀察統計數據的變化便可以發現,長年佔據電商平台銷售排行榜前幾名的服飾類並沒有出現在這份名單中,因為消費者將這些開銷轉移至其他的必須品上,因應封城後不方便的生活。此外,園藝類的出現是源於民眾封城期間為了打發時間而培養出的興趣之一,畢竟民眾在家中能做的事情沒有太多選項,美國居民居許多家庭庭院中也都有自己的草坪或是小花園,因而造就了這個有趣的現象。
參考資料 / References:
1. Fareeha Ali(2020) Charts: How the coronavirus is changing ecommerce (
2. The 2nd Quarter 2020 Retail E-Commerce Sales Report (