Post-Pandemic Era: The Current State of Nordic E-Commerce
In the wake of the pandemic, the world has increasingly gravitated toward “digitalization,” and Europe is no exception. These digital transformations have profoundly influenced consumers, nations, and industries. This article aims to explore the changes brought about by the pandemic, focusing on the European market and key countries in the Nordic region such as Sweden and Denmark. To understand the trends spurred by the pandemic, McKinsey conducted a survey of 20,000 European consumers between April 28 and May 20, 2020. Let’s analyze the post-pandemic state of the Nordic e-commerce market.
European Market Overview:
Significant Increase in Digital Adoption Rates
The outbreak led to lockdowns across various countries, halting almost all social activities. As a result, digital channels became the primary means for residents to maintain normal operations in their daily lives. Before the pandemic, digital adoption rates varied significantly from country to country due to factors such as domestic political and economic conditions, national cultures, and public attitudes. On the whole, highly developed Nordic countries already boasted the highest digital adoption rates.Surprisingly, even in advanced Western European countries, digital adoption was generally lower before the pandemic—Germany, for instance, reported only a 61% adoption rate. However, after lockdowns were enforced, every country’s digital adoption rate soared to over 90%. Even Germany, previously on the lower end, grew by 28% to reach an 89% adoption rate. (Figure 1)
Narrowing the Digital Gap Between Countries
The pandemic also noticeably narrowed the digital gap among European countries in terms of online activities. (Figure 2) This figure compares data before and after the pandemic (up to the end of May 2020). The vertical axis represents the average number of industries (out of ten: banking, insurance, groceries, apparel, entertainment, social media, travel, telecommunications, public utilities, and public services) that consumers engage with through digital channels, while the horizontal axis shows digital adoption rates.Before the pandemic, represented by blue dots, European countries were more scattered, with a digital gap of up to 32%. By the end of May, the gap had shrunk to just 10%. Despite various national contexts, political and economic conditions, cultural habits, and the severity of the pandemic, people’s daily lives were forced to adapt. Increasingly, everyday activities had to be conducted through digital platforms and channels, underscoring the tremendous impact of COVID-19.
Nordic E-Commerce Market Trends Before the Pandemic:
According to a report by PostNord, the Nordic region has long been an active hub of e-commerce and online shopping. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon (see Figure 3 for detailed explanations):
- Online shopping has no time restrictions.
- Price advantages.
- Greater product variety.
- Time-saving convenience.
- Overall convenience.
Though the four Nordic countries exhibit different consumption levels, their purchasing habits are quite similar due to cultural influences. Apparel and footwear are the most popular product categories, followed by entertainment and household electronics. In addition to popular e-commerce sites like Amazon, Wish, ASOS, and Etsy, many price comparison websites attract the pragmatic Nordic consumer. The top three are:
- Vertaa (Finland)
- Hintaseuranta (Finland)
- Prisjakt (Finland, Norway, Sweden)
These price comparison platforms complement e-commerce sites. Given the relatively limited variety of domestically produced goods compared to foreign markets, the combination has fostered a strong online shopping culture in the Nordic region. According to PostNord’s annual e-commerce report, total Nordic e-commerce spending in 2019 reached €80 billion. Sweden contributed €30 billion (37% of the total), Denmark €19 billion (24%), Norway €17 billion (22%), and Finland €14 billion (17%). Compared to the €72 billion spent in 2018, the total increased by €8 billion in 2019. (Figure 4)
Changes in Payment Habits: The Rise of Mobile Payments
In Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, most consumers prefer to pay by credit card (86%, 90%, and 76% respectively), while Finnish consumers favor online banking—though credit cards also rank second at 61%. However, credit card and online banking usage both declined slightly compared to 2018. In their place, mobile payment options like MobilePay, Swish, and PayPal have risen significantly. In Sweden, the use of Swish rose from 37% in 2018 to 41% in 2019, and in Denmark, MobilePay usage climbed from 39% to 41%. Notably, the 5% of Finns who used cash in 2018 completely disappeared in 2019. (Figures 5 and 6)
Although national conditions influence payment methods slightly, mobile payment usage grew noticeably in 2019, indicating that everyday life in Nordic countries is becoming increasingly digitized.
The Flourishing of Cross-Border E-Commerce
Nordic consumers love shopping on cross-border e-commerce platforms. We can attribute this to several factors:
- High internet penetration and digital adoption.
- Limited variety of domestic products.
- The desire for the best value products.
Despite these tendencies, 2019 marked a change. According to PostNord’s research, the proportion of Nordic consumers shopping on cross-border platforms dropped compared to 2018. (Figure 7) Finland saw the largest decline at 5%, and overall cross-border usage fell from 29% to 26%. This suggests that domestic product offerings in Nordic countries have become more diverse, offering better value.
China, Germany, Sweden, the United States, and the United Kingdom are the most popular countries for Nordic consumers’ cross-border e-commerce (Figure 8). Chinese platforms offer diverse and affordable goods like apparel and electronics, which Nordic consumers appreciate. Germany, thanks to e-commerce giants Zalando and German Amazon, also remains a top choice.
Zalando, founded in 2008, is a German fashion e-commerce company that initially emulated the U.S.-based Zappos. Zalando established its foothold in the German market by offering free shipping, a 100-day return policy, and free returns—features tailored to German consumer habits. Although Germans were initially slow to embrace online shopping, they were frontrunners in returning items purchased online. PostNord’s 2018 data shows that 53% of German online shoppers returned items, the highest rate in Europe. Moreover, German e-commerce rules often allow payment after delivery, making returns even easier. A study by the University of Bamberg found that Germans returned goods worth about €5.5 billion last year. Among Nordic countries, Sweden is the neighbors’ favorite place to shop online.
Examining cross-border e-commerce preferences (Figure 9) reveals that apparel leads in all four Nordic countries, followed closely by household electronics, and then newspapers and magazines. Interestingly, while consumers typically prefer to buy automotive products domestically, this is reversed in the Nordic countries. We suspect this is due to their proximity to Germany, an industrial powerhouse known for its automotive and technology industries. It’s easy to understand why Nordic consumers adopt such habits.
In summary, the high digital adoption rates in the Nordic region and consumers’ pursuit of value have made this area a prime market for e-commerce giants. The development of the Nordic e-commerce market will continue to warrant close observation and study in the future.
1. 數位應用率(digital adoption rate)大幅提升:
2. 各個國家間Digital gap 的縮小:
就線上活動而言同樣有著明顯變化的是疫情導致歐洲各國間的digital gap縮小的程度。(圖二)此圖表為疫情前vs疫情後(截至2020年5月底)的數據比較,縱軸為消費者會透過數位管道接觸的產業的平均數量(10個產業標的,分別為:銀行、保險、雜貨、服飾、娛樂、社群、旅遊、通訊、公營事業、公共服務),橫軸為數位應用率。從圖上可以看到藍色的圓點,也就是疫情前的分佈較為分散,歐洲各國間的digital gap較大,最大的數位應用率差距甚至達32%。但是在5月底時,這個差距縮小到只有10%,顯示了就算考慮了國情、政經局勢、疫情嚴重程度甚至文化習慣等外在因素,人們的生活習慣因為新冠疫情的爆發還是被迫做出了改變,越來越多的日常活動都必須在數位平台和數位通路上進行,直接驗證了疫情對各國造成的巨大影響。
1. 網購沒有時間限制
2. 價格優勢
3. 更多的產品選擇
4. 節省時間
5. 方便
1. Vertaa(芬蘭)
2. Hintaseuranta(芬蘭)
3. Prisjakt(芬蘭、挪威、瑞典)
這些比價網站和電商網站相輔相乘,再加上北歐五國國內生產的商品品項和國外相較之下較不豐富,因此塑造了北歐人熱愛網購的消費文化。根據瑞典郵政(PostNord)的年度電商報告顯示,2019年的瑞典電商消費總額來到了800億歐元,而在這800億中,瑞典貢獻的300億佔了總額的37% ; 丹麥貢獻的190億佔了總額的24% ; 挪威貢獻的170億佔了總額的22% ; 而芬蘭貢獻的140億則佔了總額的17%。在整體成長趨勢方面,2019年的消費總額和2018年的720億歐元相比整整多了80億。(圖四)
挪威、丹麥、瑞典的消費者絕大多數習慣用信用卡(card payment)在電商消費,比例依序為86%、90%、76%,而芬蘭的消費者則喜歡使用網銀(online banking)作為他們的支付首選,不過信用卡也以61%位居第二。然而,不管是信用卡還是網銀,其佔比和2018年相比都有所減少,取而代之的則是MobilePay、Swish、PayPal等行動支付的崛起。在瑞典使用Swish作為支付手段的比例從2018年的37%提升至2019年的41% ; 在丹麥使用MobilePay作為支付手段的比例從2018年的39%提升至2019年的41%,而我們可以發現在芬蘭2018年使用現金作為支付工具的那5%人在2019年完全消失。(圖五、圖六)
1. 高度的網路普及率、數位應用率
2. 國內提供的商品類別較不豐富
3. 想尋找性價比最好的產品
此外,中國、德國、瑞典、美國、英國為北歐四國的消費者最常進行跨境電商消費的國家(圖八),其中可以看到中國多樣且便宜的商品諸如:服飾、家用電子產品等都深得北歐消費者的青睞,而德國則因為Zalando以及German Amazon這兩個電商龍頭成為排行榜前幾名的常客。
Zalando為德國一家時尚電子商務網際網路公司,成立於2008年,從模仿美國知名電商Zappos起家。在創立初期,他們秉持著「免運費」、「100天的退貨期」、「免費退貨」等精神在德國地區站穩腳跟,而這也是為了配合德國人的消費習慣。雖然德國人對網購這件事的接受速度很慢,但他們在退貨方面卻走在了前列。瑞典郵政(PostNord)2018年的統計數據顯示,在線上購物的退貨人數統計中,德國人佔了53%,位居歐洲各國之首。此外,德國電商的規則是貨到後才付款,在收到貨品後消費者已經決定好要留下哪些商品,這無疑讓退貨變得更加容易。班貝格大學(University of Bamberg)的一項研究發現德國人去年退回了價值約55億的商品。此外,同份調查也指出,在北歐四國當中,瑞典是鄰居們最喜歡進行線上購物的國家。
參考資料 / References:
1. 連連跨境支付LianLian(2019)發表於每日頭條 北歐最受歡迎的10個電商網站,跨境人的逆襲之路又寬了 (
2. Nets(2019)Nordic e-commerce 2019 (
3. Nets(2018)Nordic e-commerce 2018 (
4. PostNord(2019)E-commerce in the Nordics (
5. PostNord(2018)E-commerce in the Nordics (
6. McKinsey Digital(2020)Europe’s digital migration during COVID-19: Getting past the broad trends and averages (